I can't imagine a better way to spend my time than creating custom made wedding dresses! Connecting with a variety of people and collaborating closely with brides is the best part of what I do. My studio workspace is a haven of creativity with a positive, inclusive vibe. All my ethically made dresses are handmade on site in my beautiful light filled studio. I adore my team of fairly paid dressmakers who are creative artists outside of the studio. We specialize in expertly crafted bridal gowns that bring your dreams to life.
a few things about myself...
The last thing I've bought and loved...
Tickets to see Moulin Rouge. In an alternative high school, my English projects featured plays with modern music. It felt like someone tapped into my high school mind!
The best souvenirs I've brought home...
Rocks. I'm obsessed with rocks, fossils and natural objects. My home and garden are full of treasures I've found, I can't resist a good rock. The colors and textures are so inspirational.
The best book I've read in the past year...
Station Eleven by Emily St.John Mandel. I watched the TV series and was hooked. I thrive on 'end of the world' tales and this one stood out.
My style icons are...
Julia Roberts. Ralph Lauren. And one of my team members Tierre Taylor @tierretaylor, she inspires me to dress as a way of self expression.
I have a collection of...
Vintage patterns and fashion books. I imagined I would be an illustrator for fashion history books, or a costume designer for period films. I was more than a bit obsessed with historical fashion as a child and still love the thrill of finding a vintage sewing book in a thrift shop!
An object I will never part with...
Too many to choose! I'm stupidly sentimental when it comes to objects.
My favourite room in my house...
My studio. It's full of light, airy, a haven of creativity and good vibes. It's also where I can be unabashedly feminine in my decor.
When I was young I wanted to be...
An archeologist, that was before a costume designer. I've always been drawn to antiques, I grew up in a very old house and loved digging in the garden and finding bits of pottery.
What I love to do on my days off...
Gardening and long distance cycling. Both hobbies provide a dopamine rush and inspire a clear mind. There's so much beauty to discover on a bike.
What you might not expect about me...